Ray West (SupaFly, Spread Eagle) Interview

Portions of the interview aired on Hard, Heavy & Hair Show number 447 along with Ray West’s music and tons of other great Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, and Hair Band music and information. Listen to the podcast version of that show and read the show notes here.

Video Interview: Ray West (SupaFly, Spread Eagle)

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Podcast Audio Interview: Ray West (SupaFly, Spread Eagle)

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Pariah Burke talks once again to Ray West, lead singer and lyricist for new modern Rock project SupaFly and O.G. New York street metal band Spread Eagle, SupaFly, a new sound, and a much more dynamic way of singing for the guy who sang “Switchblade Serenade” and “Broken City.” We discussed the evolution of Ray’s voice from that “vicious”, raspy falsetto of the 22-year-old Spread Eagle singer to a more mature chest singer who still hits what he calls “the bullet points” of Spread Eagle songs. In between the usual interview topics–appearances, new albums from SupaFly and Spread Eagle, what’s next–we chatted about Aerosmith’s heaviest music, great Rock singers, U2, the current state of the Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame, and when Ray West attended a party in New York with Prince jamming all night.

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