Cassidy Paris (Singer) Interview

Portions of the interview aired on Hard, Heavy & Hair Show number HHH320 along with Cassidy Paris’s music and tons of other great Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, and Hair Band music and information. Listen to the podcast version of that show and read the show notes here.

Video Interview: Cassidy Paris (Singer)

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Podcast Audio Interview: Cassidy Paris (Singer)

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Cassidy Paris is a teenager with a voice–and mind–more mature than her years. From Melbourne, Australia, Cassidy has reached across the globe with a Rock N’ Roll signing voice evocative of Joan Jett, Pat Benatar, and Lzzy Hale. She’s also a spokesperson for Metalheads Against Bullying and a woman with a heart almost as big as her amazing voice.

Cassidy has been mentored by her father, Wicked Smile guitarist Stevie Janevski, and Danger Danger and the Defiants vocalist Paul Laine, but, as excellent as those musicians are–and I’m a fan of all three of those bands–Cassidy’s talent at the next level. I can see her music leading the next generation of Hard Rock and bridging the gap between that genre and Pop music in a way not seen since Lee Aaron. That much talent, packed into a level-headed 18 year-old who has been recording since she was 13, gives me hope that the next generation of Rock N’ Roll is in good hands.

Recently I had the pleasure and honor of talking with this talented, smart, passionate woman from her home in Australia, from a bedroom that mirrors any Rock fan’s in the 80s–with wall-to-wall concert and band posters, guitars, and Peavy amps.

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