Åge Sten Nilsen (Glam) of Wig Wam Interview

Portions of the interview aired on Hard, Heavy & Hair Show number 397 along with Wig Wam’s music and tons of other great Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, and Hair Band music and information. Listen to the podcast version of that show and read the show notes here.

Video Interview: Åge Sten Nilsen (Glam) of Wig Wam

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Podcast Audio Interview: Åge Sten Nilsen (Glam) of Wig Wam

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Interview + Music Spotify-Exclusive Edition

Listen here or on Spotify to the uncut, uncensored interview with Åge Sten Nilsen (Glam) and to the music Pariah and Åge discuss!

Pariah Burke talks with very positive Wig Wam frontman Glam (aka Åge Sten Nilsen) about the band’s new album, Out of the Dark, as well as the music of their past, present, and future.

The pandemic hit the music industry hard. Few were hit as bad as Norwegian Glam Metal band Wig Wam. At the end of 2021 the band couldn’t get a booking, and, despite a new record from Frontiers Music SRL, they were about to call it quits for the second time in their 20-year career. Then came Peacemaker.

An offbeat superhero TV show from the mind of James Gunn saved Wig Wam by setting the show’s stunning opening sequence dance number to their 2010 song “Do Ya Wanna Taste It?” Overnight Wig Wam was not only saved, but had become one of the hottest bands on earth. A year later, they have another new album and a year long tour lined up, including a slot on the Monsters of Rock Cruise.

The attitude of frontman Åge Sten Nilsen couldn’t be more positive, as you’ll see when I sit down with Åge on the day their new album, Out of the Dark, dropped .

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